NCD The National Compliance Division
300 S. 4th St. Ste 600
Las Vegas, Nevada 89101
*By Appointment Only
Hours of Operation Monday-Friday 8:00am- 5:00pm PST
Director Main Line: 702-344-3317
Message/Text Line: 913-336-0030
NCD, LLC is a private company that is hired by your property manager and/or property owner to perform task that includes; routine seasonal inspections and eviction services. NCD LLC also offer rental assistance for tenants that is in immediate need of help to pay their rent and back rent. NCD Relief Program will continue accepting applications until all state funding has run out. Applications are being accepted now (Click Here)
Interior Pictures

Routine Tenant Inspections
Seasonal Inspections: Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall
Inspections are performed at least once (1) per year. Inspections are listed in your rental lease agreement and in very few cases, it is not listed however, your property management company or the property owner will always have rights to enter the rental property for routine inspections, emergencies, welfare checks and repairs by making appointments within reasonable times of the day by calling or posting a 24 hour notice of entry, if needed. Inspections are conducted annually to keep up with the property condition by noting what repairs are needed and not needed. Tenants can use this time to tell the field inspector things that do not work in the property or that need repair. Field inspectors may report the matter on their reports however, tenants must submit a work order to management or the owner to get the repair completed. Inspections are paid for by the owner however, if you schedule an appointment and do not make yourself available or someone over the age 18 years old and a field inspector can not access the rental property at the scheduled time, you can get charged fees by the property manager or property owner that becomes due with the following month rent. Tenants that fail to cooperate with the complete process will be issued a 24 hour entry notice within 3 days of NCD receiving an inspection order. An NCD dispatcher will contact you to schedule an inspection and notify you of your assigned inspector and pet instructions. Inspections are scheduled in One (1) hour increments (Ex. 12pm-1pm). You will always receive a call or text 30 minutes prior to the inspector arrival. Field inspectors are REQUIRED to wear mask and gloves during the entire duration of the inspection. You may request the inspector to wear foot coverings before starting the inspection.
Exterior Pictures

Contact us

Call Us
Monday- Friday 8:00am- 5:00pm
Eviction Notices
If you have received a notice from your Landlord,
NCD LLC recommend that you comply with the notice.
NCD LLC can help assist a tenant with the following:
1. Notice Verification- Tenants may submit a copy of a notice you received NCD LLC can confirm, if it is a valid notice given to you by your management company or property owner. You may scan, submit a PDF or photo of the notice by sending it to the email listed below.
Free of charge
2. Tenant Answers- NCD LLC can help you file answers with the court listed on the notice you received. DISCLAIMER: If your property management company or property owner is a client of NCD LLC, we will not be able to assist you with filing a response to the courts. NCD LLC however, can help assist you with mediation process, if the court appoints all parties to participate.
Tenant Filing Fee: $150.00

Contact us
Call Us
Monday- Friday 8:00am- 5:00pm
Before you move out

Provides rental assistance in all U.S. States and territories
Many tenants around the U.S. was affected by the Pandemic. NCD LLC offers application assistance for tenants that have fallen behind on their rent, In most states the state programs will cover up to 15 months. NCD LLC will help you apply for the max number allowed by the state. NCD LLC is committed to help control, balance and prevent additional families that will increase the U.S. homeless population number, in the event of an eviction. NCD LLC will notify your Landlord of your enrollment in our NCD Relief Program.
DISCLAIMER: NCD LLC will not ask for a percentage of your awarded rental assistance funding. Fees associated with NCD LLC will be billed to you for third party administrative processing of all information submitted to NCD LLC. You must provide the following documents to the email listed below: PDF or Photo Copies OK
1. Valid ID or Drivers License (Expired ok)
2. Rental lease agreement
3. Job or Unemployment letter
Relief Program Fee: $75.00
To get started, YOU MUST
1. Complete the online application
2. Make a Payment (Invoices are sent to your email once your order is received)
3. Submit your requested documents (Email: NCDRELIEF@OUTLOOK.COM)
Funding can take 30-90 days for your Landlord to receive a payment. You will be notified once your Land Lord receives a payout. You will be updated with the amount that was paid out and the date payment was issued. If you receive an eviction notice, please notify us immediately. Our program is registered with the courts and your enrollment can and will be verified by the courts or court clerk, if you report being in NCD Relief Program. Giving false program information can lead to an eviction. Once we receive all of your information and your payment, your Land Lord will be notified that you are in the program.
Disclaimer: If you have already set up an account with a state funding program, please let your assigned Agent know, once your email is registered with the state, you will be required to change your old password or disclose your active one in order for our Agents to process your new application. You will be contacted by an Agent if your processor receives an
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